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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
el_punkoid_nouveau How loud is that thing you play? (46) RE: How loud is that thing you play? 26 Feb 05

Well, many many years ago, I got sick and tired of folk club organisers who thought squeezeboxes of various sorts (which aren't really all that old in some cases) were wonderful traditional instruments, but plug my telecaster in a club - NOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!, that I decided to have a bit of revenge.

It was pointed out in the Bedduth gather that there had been a workshop on playing your instrument quietly - at which point, I produced a French Horn, saying that you can't play them that quietly. Why do Symphony Orchestras have loads of violins, and only FOUR Horns? Or, to put it another way, with a good wall off which to bounce the sound behind me, I quite often don't need to mike it up when playing with an amplified band. There are other wind instruments with this sort of power - try the Oboe...

I also bought myself a resonator mando a couple of years back, which amazes everybody. It is significantly louder than any other unamplified mando!

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