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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
susu Lyr Req: I've Been Everywhere (72* d) RE: Lyr Req: I've Been Everywhere 22 Mar 05

yeah that Texas version looks easy, but let me tell you it took me two whole days to learn it by heart and be able to sing it! My best friend and I sing at a place called Cross Timbers Opry in Stephenville, Texas and we would always giggle when we got to that part, but we are over that now. But actually, I think the other versions would be impossible for me to learn, as I had already heard of almost all the Texas towns before. Also in the 3 chorus it is tires (naturally) not tyres. But at least the cities are right as I have found on several sites where they put Bartlesville (Oklahoma, not Texas) instead if Bartonville "and I've been to" should have been Beinevides and Anareina was mistaken for and Lorena, and also they left out Junction and put in Joshua, but oh well at least Dale got the right set. Susu

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