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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
susu BS: Libs- Beware of...... (75* d) RE: BS: Libs- Beware of...... 23 Mar 05

Let me clarify, my point on mentioning other countries was not that I did not think that they are not actually a democrtic society, but to point out that who are we to decide what system works best for other countries?
Little Hawk posted this..."Just because your leaders TELL you that they are fighting for "freedom" doesn't necessarily mean it's 100% true. :-) What they are usually really fighting for is money, resources, and control of money and resources. They want to be FREE to do it their way... :-)"
Which is what I meant but am obviously not as articulate as others when it comes to matters of politics. As for my opinion on a democratic society, for me it is when the majority of citizens feel that whatever governmental body they have works for them. They have a say in what effects them, and that they have the right not hold those in charge accountable for actions that violate human rights, am I wrong? I do not however feel that our country has the right to decide whether that is true for other countries or not. If they ask us for help that would be one thing, but to simply go in and do it on the assumption that "it is what they need" is wrong. So my reference to other countries did not mean I thought they were not a democratic society, heck I have a hard enough time understanding this country, much less one I do not live in. As for what I think freedom is... It isn't simple, and it isn't free. But what it is PPSSSHHHAAAWW! I enjoy many freedoms, I can go to the church of my choice, I can say what I think and not fear for my life, but sadly even in this country not everyone has that, I know that there are people who are members of the Arryian (sp?) society who kill peole based on their beliefs such as Muslims, Jews, etc. So you are correct there is no totally free society. Which is sad.

Greg F. stated, "IRAQ DIDN'T HAVE BUGGER ALL TO DO WITH SEPTEMBER 11th !!!" I didn't say that it did, did I? I think what I said was "I do not presume to know what the true motivation for us being in Iraq/Afghanistan are, but after Sept. 11, I do not want to see our country attacked like that again, yet I personally feel that we should at least be trying to ease out by now, and let them control their own country." meaning that if there was a chance that anyone may be trying to plan an attack on us, I would not want that to happen again. I then went on to say, "I wish there was another way for us to help them achieve freedom, and maybe there was, but sadly it wasn't implemented if there was, and so sadly, what's done is done." I am sure that at some point Saddam needed to be ousted, but I did put in my post that we seem to be the ones who are always imposing freedom and our POV's on other countries. And I also feel as though Viet Nam was alot like this, but I honestly do not know enough about that to be sure. Let me say this too, I oppose drafting of soldiers unless we are truly defending ourselves, i.e. if we were invaded on our own soil, not just an attack in which we are retaliating. But not to fight someone else's war. I guess I am as clear as mud now.
There is no need to attack me, based on my views, they may just need to be clarified, I hope this effort did that. And if I missed answering a question, pleas draw my attention to it, as it is a mere oversight, not intentional, Thanks, Susu

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