First, I want to say that I was fully aware that people were going to get upset by what I said in my post @ 11:02 but again, and as LH so astutely observed, I am not an experienced debater. Please bear with me, I am trying to be clear, but often times what makes sense to me gets misconstrued. That's okay, all I ask is that you be patient with me. Second, I must apologize to all you seasoned catters, I was informed that I should probably break my posts into paragraphs to make it easier to read and follow. I realize that has nothing to do with my inability to convey my message clearly, that is all on me, but I will try to be more structured and organized in the future, and welcome any other suggestions on how to post effectively from you guys. LH, I agree, no matter when we leave things will be worse for them, as I do not forsee them ever being strong enough to take over from here (wherever that is). It is alot like enabling an alchoholic for so many years and then expecting them to deal with their problem on their own, cold turkey. Cruel if you ask me, because up to that point they actually have a false sense of security. I had something else pertainent to say, but I have been up for 20 hours and my brain can't remember it now. May I reserve the right to post it later if I think of it? Anyway, thanks for your patience with me everyone as I am still learning. Susu