Well lets just say that we adopt a policy where the only people who can possess a gun are military and police officers, including game wardens, there are a couple of things that would happen INSHO... 1) to round up all the weapons would be impossible, and would those who have them be compensated? 2) even if we were able to get all of the guns, there are some cops etc that are crooked, so they could sell a weapon to a criminal, then what are you going to defend your family with? Heck, even if they come into your house at night with a knife while you are sleeping, what then? Charles Manson and his followers did a lot of damage with knives. 3) what about some people who hunt for food? Where we live there are several families that use the meat that they get from hunting to feed their families. 4) loss of revenue from the sale of hunting licenses, that won't ever happen, enough said there. Now that being said, so all people who are molested turn into child molesters, and on the other side of that, are all child molesters previous victims? No. I was run over by a car when I was 12 and the kids were extremely cruel to me for the next 6 years because of how my face looked, (I could not have reconstructive surgery until my growth was complete) yet through all of the bullying, and mean comments, did I go on a shooting spree, well yeah but that is beside the point! Before some of you get your panties twisted, no I did not, the thought never entered my mind! I feel that two things attribute to the increase of shootings. 1)Too much violence on T.V. that smaller kids are being exposed to, I mean after all if a 5 year old sees a movie or show in which an actor gets killed then the next week that actor is in another movie without a scratch, there is no finality to the act of the killing. Then as the years progress the child grows up to be desensitized. Learning no remorse, they learn violence as a solution. And we won't even get into rap and violent video games. 2)People do not spend enough time with their kids today, the moral fiber of this country is on a downhill slid, and we are too busy to teach our children to be better people. It is the responsibility of the parents to teach their children, and so many times that does not happen. There you have my opinion, whatever you think of it, I just think we need to work on what our kids see and think, garbage in…garbage out. Susu Besides where I come from, gun control means using both hands so you don't shake.