Well, well, now! Brian; I ain't got yo numbah to call, and I lost your E-dressie about 3 crashes ago. South portland ain't that bad, 'specially since I'll be in Portland at the WLOB studios till 9 in the Morning. The host, Kevin, has already asked me to have a song ready; live radio is SOOOO much fun! Since we put out 100,000 Watts covering most of Maine and Eastern NH I try not to mess up too bad - and fake it the best I can when I do! Yeah; I can see how I might be degenerating into a figment of imagination ... better than a fragment of immigration, we might suppose... I think Bat Goddess still has my E-mail addy; or drop me a line at unclejaque@netscape.net - can't be much worse that the spam I get for pills and potions that I have absolutely no use for and such. And yes, I am chronicly navigationally challenged, and will need directions that a cucumber could understand. Jeri; sorry to hear about your affliction; I had a cold a couple of weeks ago too. Seems like you've had a lot of sinus/congestion issues?... I've gotta wonder about allergies. When we lived in an old farmhouse in NH it seems i was sick all the time; led to chronic bronchitis and asthma after a while. Turns out it was a allergy to spores of mould and mildew typically found in old buildings. After we moved to a new house in ME, I got better. Allergies can do weird things to a body - but being in the business you'd know that. In the unlikely event that I can chew through my leash and make it, you'll be missed! Sure would like to get back in the song circle again, just for old time's sake at the very least. "Politics", Jeri? I thought ye had that all cut, split, sorted out and stacked to dry a couple of years ago. Hmmm... now that you mention it, perhaps I'd better peel a few bumper stickers off of "Old Red" the dump van before I show up, just to be on the safe side... {8^{D~