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Uncle Jaque March Song Circle at SINSULL's (66* d) RE: March Song Circle at SINSULL's 26 Mar 05

Well; here we are, then! The cat seems to have been down a wee bit there, as it's been a couple of hours that I couldn't raise ye.

Well gosh, Jeri; cpt. Noble came up with a pretty fair puking chanty in "Dramamine"; he ought to be able to come up with a snorting chanty on short notice.

Sounds like our unfortunate Animaterra could've used one if not both of the above of late... Hope you both get a whole lot better PDQ, whatever it is.

I'm still in need of directions; don't have a GPS, so grid coordinates won't do me an' Ol' Red much good, sad ter say.
Domestic Management is not wild about the idea of my bolting for the evening, but I'm just ornery enough to do it anyway, dadblast it!
Can't stay too late or get wasted though, as I've a gig at Sonrise Service @ Church @ 0630 hrs. Sunday.

   Now I'd better break out the duck tape and cover some o'those bumper stickers over... Write on 'em with magic marker "Can't we all just get along?" or some such.

Standing by...

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