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Uncle Jaque Lyr Req: Southern Harmony 1835 'Arise'. (10) RE: Lyr Req: Southern Harmony 1835 'Arise'. 26 Mar 05

Thanks, Masato; a link on one of threads you linked me to nailed it!

"Far Far Away From My Loving Father" had a MIDI link that was dead bang on for both "Arise" and "Restoration"; essentially the same tune.

One verse that was given here seems to have suggested a more Passion - Ressurection oriented theme, though, which is what I'm looking for, and suspect exists somewhere. But what we've got so far will do for now.

The "Font (or 'Fount' - it's a 'Color/Colour' sort of thing, I think) of every Blessing" seems to be the more popular setting, albeit in many versions and variations. As a lot of these old songs morphed, it's hard to tell when one becomes a distinct song on it's own as opposed to a version of the original. We went through this before with "Old Ship of Zion", as I recall.

Thanks again, all!

UJ in ME

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