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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
GUEST,Keith Cary, Mandolin from recycled material (17) RE: Mandolin from recycled material 28 Mar 05

Hi all. I hope I haven't sent this twice. Netscape just crashed. I'm the infamous Commodium's maker. You can hear it at CD Baby. The band is The Joy Buzzards. Tracks 2,3,9,10. Also Driving with Fergus, track 5. Our stuff is in the blues, jug band, old jazz, Hawaiian vain. Joe Craven has one and says he'll use it on his next CD. We'll see. Besides being loud and lusty, I can kick it across a cement floor to my partner, Bob Armstrong. He doesn't do that with his 30s Nat Tricone. It won't stop a bullet. I tried. It is very solid, though. -- on potty humor, someone just called me an anal craftsman. Keith

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