Almost any song about prostitutes or brothels will do for the Southwark area - the Bishop of Winchester had a palace there (ruins still visible), owned all the brothels in that area. You could do a Mummers' Play featuring St George, in the George & Dragon, Southwark - supposed to be London's oldest original surviving pub building, frequented by many famous people over the last 400 years. Crossing back over the river, sing them 'London River' on London Bridge and sell them a copy of the words in the excellent Rod Shearman Songbook.... London Bridge is where the last of his ashes were committed into the river he loved. You could do 'Sweeney Todd' in Fleet Street.... any song about Punch and Judy at the 'Punch Tavern' at the bottom of that street. 'The Old Dun Cow caught fire' in Old Kent Road - the pub is (according to Manitas) still there. One day I'll get round to finding the Dockers lament for his birthplace - a country lad who moved to Poplar when the Royal Docks were being built. It's somewhere in my head, but I can't find it! LTS