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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
GUEST,Chip2447 BS: Telling someone to F... off politely (122* d) RE: BS: Telling someone to F... off politely 30 Mar 05

Music snobs, the lot of you. More of the elitist crap that flows like water around here. Maybe you should look back on your own time as a brash youngster and remember how shitty you played, or how no one could tell you anything because you knew it all. Some of you can't deny it, because you've never outgrown it.

Either take him in and teach him, or move your session elsewhere.
Take your elitest snobbish selves and fuck off.

Music isnt just for those of you who are good at what you do. Music is for everyone, especially FOLK MUSIC.

I've been a member here for a long time, and am by the standards of most of the 'Catters) I am nothing more than a rank(read that as stinky) musician/singer/songwriter. You think that will
stop me from doing what I love. You've got another thing coming. Tell me to fuck off and I'll just grit my teeth and sing louder.

Chip2447 (slam away)

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