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GUEST,Liz the Squeak BS: What you *were* going to do in life?.... (128* d) RE: BS: What you *were* going to do in life?.... 06 Apr 05

I was told at age 14 that I was going to be the good little girl who stayed at home to look after mummy and daddy...... I sort of never bothered to even think about anything after that, because at that stage, I couldn't see any other option. I was crapping out badly at school, getting freindly with alcohol, fast motorbikes, Hells Angels and had a job in a pub kitchen. School careers advice was basically 'get these qualifications and you can be a nurse/teacher/vet, don't get any, you'll end up in an office' - said like it was one step up from prostitution.

Left home having discovered over the following 4 years down the line that the last thing in the world I'm suited for is looking after parents. I've worked as a cleaner, pub cook, in a chocolate factory, as a secretary, a researcher, archaeologist's scribe, illustrator, museum assistant, Vicars' PA, window dresser, seamstress, proof-reader, sous chef, youth club assistant, in scrap metal, painting and decorating, child minder, library assistant and Revenue assistant.

I have also been paid for singing, but that doesn't count as work, because I like doing it!

So from being told what to do, and having absolutely no idea what I wanted to do, I ended up doing a lot of different things. There are a few of those jobs I'd refuse to do again, and some I'd love to have back....


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