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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
annamill BS: scale of 1-100, how happy with your job (64* d) RE: BS: scale of 1-100, how happy with your job 11 Apr 05

Firecat, I did that for about a month. THE JOB FROM HELL! is what I called it. Even little children hollered at me. Actually I may have said something about this job in another thread.

Now, I'm about a month into a job as a trolley operator (driver) for the city of San Diego. Really cool and even now, here at home, on my day off, I'm smiling. The hours suck, eventually the money will be good. Not what I made in New York as a Programming Consultant, but good enough for me.

After I gain seniority I'll be able to choose the days and hours I want, but thats a long time from now. I'll probably be dead by then. ;-)

It's kind of scary because I'm 60 yrs old and I don't think I'll be retiring anytime soon. I'll probably have to work til I die. Hey, there may be a song there.

I'd rate my job at about 75 percent. Only because I'm still in training for another 3 weeks, then a final exam and driving test. After that, I feel it will be much higher.

PS: I absolutely LOVE San Diego. It's so beautiful here.

Love, Annamill

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