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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
Angel 1 to Miss Mac Lyr ADD: 'there won't be time to share' / Grace (8) RE: Lyr/Chords Req: there won't be time to share 07 Dec 99

Hi! Thank you for the quick reply. You never have to wait long in the Mudcat, it's great.

I did do a search but nothing came up. I went to the Rego Irish record site just to look up all the songs on the cd, and I thought Grace was the only one it could be. Anyway, I can't bring anything up on it in the search. I don't know what the problem is, I will try again now. Like U, I have been around off and on for about a year now, but I still don't know how much of how the site works. I just do the best I can and everyone seems to be super patient with others lack of knowledge. Thanks again. Blessings Angel 1

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