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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted Lyr Req: 'Fare thee well, my own true love' (3) RE: Lyric req: 20 Jan 97

Sure, "Leaving of Liverpool" is an extremely popular English ballad, known also in Ireland and other parts of the world (even in Poland in Enlish or Polish). It's a song of lament at having to emigrate to Amerikay and leave the place we were born ... Of course, it's in DT as "Leaving Liverpool" although there are so very many versions of it, that you can simply rememeber other one. Common is at least the first verse and chorus (I've included chords):

Fare well to you my own true love A D A I am going far far away A D A E I am bound for California E A D A And I know that I'll return some day. A E A


So fare thee well my own true love E D A For when I return united we will be A D E It's not the leaving of Liverpool that grives me E A D E A But my darling when I think of thee. A E A


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