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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
Sarah-HS The Saddest Song of All (238* d) RE: The Saddest Song of All 08 Dec 99

The late Hank Williams sang the saddest songs I've ever heard - I don't know the name of this one, but it says, "I've just told Mama goodbye, and knelt beside her bed, like the flowers of May she whithers away and my white rose has turned to red".

A song I can't sing because it makes me want to cry is "Last Night I had the Strangest Dream" - it gets me feeling sorry for my kids and grandkids growing up in a world that may be destroyed in a nuclear war. I choke up when I reach the part that says - "And the people in the streets below were dancing 'round and 'round, and swords and guns and uniforms were scattered on the ground."

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