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Mick O'Farrell Grehan Sisters Recordings (68* d) Grehan Sisters Recordings 01 May 05

I'm a big fan of the Grehan Sisters and have tried (largely in vain) over the last few years to track down their entire recorded output which probably amounts to about 25 songs.
I've got all the obvious stuff which is readily available, but I know the sisters contributed to an album on the Gael-Linn label along with other artists in the early 60's and that they recorded about three singles for the Rex (decca) and Transatlantic labels in the late 60's
I also know that the youngest of the Grehans, Helen (Bernie) took part in several RTE productions and radio broadcasts in the 80's.
I've looked in all the obvious places like ebay, Gemm and Music Stack and even contacted Helen Grehan herself, who was very helpful, but I've made no real headway. If anyone knows of the whereabouts of any of these recordings or could suggest a good place to look, I would be eternally grateful.

Cheers Mick

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