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Chris Seymour Tune Req: Rock of Ages/Jacob's Ladder (7) LYR ADD: Rock of Ages/Jacob's Ladder 12 May 05

A variant, with a few interesting word changes:

As sung by James Reams on his CD "Songbird"

I was standing by the bedside
Where my feeble mother lay
When she called me close beside her
And I heard her softly say

I have seen the rock of ages
Jacob�s ladder hanging down
I have crossed the River of Jordan
And now my soul is sinking down


And then she called me close beside her
And whispered softly her good bye
And as she whispered so sweetly
A teardrop formed within my eye


Palm trees growing on the mountain
Where forever she will lay
And there she�ll rest beside the fountain
And there she�ll sleep beneath the clay

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