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Kitty Aussie questions --John Williamson songs (14) Aussie questions --John Williamson songs 17 May 05

Just got Wandering Australia by John Williamson. Being from the States, I have questions:
In "Amazing Day" he says--as nearly as I can understand
"They say it sends you tropo before the wet season
but I gotta see the light show before it comes down"
I need an interpreter.... The words are probably right, but I don't understand the "tropo" nor the light show... what's happening?

Then on Cobber Pedy...
"you can see by the smudgy paper there's ..... dust in the air" Is it gold dust? Doesn't quite sound like that.

Then on You Come Back to Tassie:
"to your little home in ????? Miffy??? " Can't hear it...

Thanks so much for your help. Gonna have to train my ear for Australian sounds.

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