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MTed Musical prodigy vs.Hard workers (56* d) RE: Musical prodigy vs.Hard workers 14 Dec 99

I didn't mean to suggest that there had not always been women with musical aspirations, I was just noting that these days, there seem to be a lot more women that are willing to pursue them--a good thing!!

I wonder about what it is that they (or anyone going into the "music business" today) are pursuing---people (men and women) who go after music career today are like those people who used to go over Niagra Falls in a barrel--they get one shot, and they either make it and become incredibly famous, or they are smashed to pieces on the rocks--

Maybe it was always like that, but it seems worse today--and as I think about it, Given that America seems to be the point of origin for so much of of contemporary popular music, doesn't it seem odd that the general view of music and musicians ranges from apathy to antagonism?

Once, there were lots of clubs, and people would actually get dressed up to go to them, and they could see real musicians playing real music, sometimes even "folk" musicians--and it was possible for a musician to play in places like that and make a decent living--even if they did occassionally have to give accordian or sax lessons--

Sorry, I got carried away there--

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