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alanww Chippenham FF UK 2005 (124* d) RE: Chippenham FF UK 2005 23 May 05

That's right Schantieman! I don't like the smoke either and nor does my vioce but I like big chorus songs!
So which pubs would you suggest we go to, Polly Squeezebox? The Angel always used to be a great venue in the centre of town for an evening singaround but I remember standing outside it a couple of years back, after its refurbishment, along with perhaps ten other unaccompanied singers wondering where we could go! We tried all sorts of pubs but nowhere was possible (too many crowded public bars, dining rooms, discos and pool tables etc). We had to give up looking in the end!
One year we did go to a pub (I forget its name) out of town but that pub closed the year after (I hope it wasn't cause and effect!). Last year we managed to get something going in The Three Crowns but it too is a bit out of town, being further up the road from The Cause community centre.
Have you a particular town centre pub in mind Polly Squeezebox?
In terms of the lunchtimes, I'm one person who is in both client groups as you put it - I shall certainly go to one or other of the singarounds run by Kitty and the Admiral. But in the past I know that the Admiral has struggled to ensure that everyone has a chance to sing on some days! Its that popular!
Two hours with a strict finishing time of 2 pm does seem a bit silly. Why could it not run most of the afternoon? I am sure there would be several volunteers to run it, if it needed to be organised.
"I like to rise when the sun she rises!"

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