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Polly Squeezebox Chippenham FF UK 2005 (124* d) RE: Chippenham FF UK 2005 24 May 05

Kitty, I haven't been into the Black Horse for some years, so I've just phoned the Black Horse and spoken to the licensee. Unfortunately, they no longer have a skittle alley (I'd hoped we might have been able to take it over for the weekend). The landlady says that her quite young clientele would probably not welcome a lot of singers going in for the weekend, and of course she has to look after her regulars.

The Bear is still THE young peoples pub in Chippenham - so a non-starter I'm afraid. The Four Seasons (wine bar but they sell beer) was very welcoming a couple of years ago (near the Buttercross and Angel Hotel). Bob told me a short while ago that Porterblacks, by the river, had changed hands and were eager to be involved with the official festival - rather than stage their own (very noisy) event on the Saturday night so that may be a possibility.

Other than these we'd be looking quite a distance out of the centre of town I think. However, I'll put my thinking cap on and keep my eyes open as I go through Chippenham tomorrow - watch this space.

(Failed to get official printed programme yesterday because Bob and Gill were not at Devizes Folk Club. I was told they were too busy doing something else - can't imagine what that might have been.)


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