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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
IceWolf BS: New to these forums... (21) RE: BS: New to these forums... 14 Dec 99

My thanks to all for the welcome. I forget who asked how I got my moniker - but the only way to answer that adequately is to become 'way too autobiographical. The short answer is: I wasn't always in Florida.

"Cat farts" - hmmmm. That's no worse than "Overflowin' Catbox Blues" (Jane Robinson) or "Cats on the Rooftops" (dunno who's responsible for that one).

If you haven't guessed, I like cats, and am owned by two of them.

I will say this: I fear this will become one of my haunts - "fear" due to the sheer volume of posts to the various topics.

As for my own songs, I'll post them on appropriate threads (where my name will soon be infamous, no doubt). Don't want to wear out my welcome.

Now if I can figure out how to make this silly message box break my lines where I want them to, everything would be fine.


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