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The Mudcat Cafesj

User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
IceWolf BS: who is on ICQ? (62* d) RE: BS: who is on ICQ? 15 Dec 99

Warning: Thread Creep!
I suggest that we also list our AIM (AOL Instant Messenger) names on this thread. AIM, for all it is run by AOHell, is more stable than ICQ IMHO. And I say this after all the fun and games that Jon, Alison, Jeri and I had last night trying to keep a chat-room up and stable.
Oh, for those of you who don't know, AIM can be used by non-AOL subscribers, and costs nothing. If you go to AOL's home-page and search on their site for AIM, you'll find the link where you can download it. Note that AOL requires that all names be unique, so it's highly likely that you won't have the same AIM name as your Nickname here. For instance, I am known as Doomspark on AIM. And yes, there's a story behind that also.
Feel free to send me a message, and identify yourself as coming from Mudcat.
Visit my lair if you wish.

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