I am sure you are a fine person, Dave's Wife, so I'll go through it again, with helps-- The amusing homing panties are at: http://forgetmenotpanties.contagiousmedia.org/about.html When you trim the "forgetmenotpanties. " from the address, you are left with "contagiousmedia.org" which is the website where the forgetmenot panties page is in the first place. "contagiousmedia.org" explains the whole project, and has links to other parts of the project(including "Black People Love Us!"), as well as links to press coverage of the project-- You will remember, from your careful reading, that the idea behind the project was to create websites that addressed certain issues in such an amusing or controversial way that everyone who read them would email the link to everyone that they knew, creating so much interest that the press would ultimately cover it-- Got it?