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MTed Musical prodigy vs.Hard workers (56* d) RE: Musical prodigy vs.Hard workers 15 Dec 99


I knew that....just mistyped and missed it, my bifocals don't help anymore, so I have gone back to the single focus, til I can afford to buy a Gibson 180--Odd designation system indeed, and not consistantly followed I have one of the old gold finished ES-295, which was a 175 with gold finish and white pick-ups, it cost about $20 more--

I loved the old L-48 and L-50 archtops, which once upon a time, were cheap and allowed you to practice rock and jazz stuff without an amp--once upon a time, not long ago, you could pick one up at a music store for 25-50 bucks, if you didn't mind the snears from the guys who were showing off on the Martins--

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