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GUEST,Liz the Squeak Need a humorous Ren or Medieval song (36) RE: Need a humorous Ren or Medieval song 05 Jun 05

Try the Tudor 'round' "When Celia was learning on the spinnet to play" - I'm pretty sure it's in the DT here, but a really fantastic version of it was done by Steel Bunny (Hazel Absalome plus 2, also known as Capriole) on one of their cassettes.

It's not strictly speaking the period you're after but I've found over the years that most people don't have a clue what is authentic and what is not.... I've done mediaeval banquets where the band played Greensleeves (Tudor), Wild Rover (SO not 12th Century) and dressed as Cavaliers!

Besides, it sounds rude so it will go down a treat!


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