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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
annamill BS: What is your irrational fear? (102* d) RE: BS: What is your irrational fear? 05 Jun 05

" I had to avert my eyes from alongside the road when they had netting spread there to keep the banks/boulders from moving."

Ebbie, do you live in California??

I have a very annoying fear of deep water where I can't touch bottom.

I tried diving once. Went out and spent over $300 for the equipment. A friend took me out into Barnaget Bay, just a little bit off the dock. When I realized I couldn't put my head up and breathe, I paniced, inflated my vest and went to the top, pulled off my mouthpiece and backpaddled til I could touch bottom. That's when I found out about this damn silly fear. I really wanted to dive.

It hasn't gotten better, I'm afraid to go out into the ocean past my thighs.

It's funny because I can kayak way out on the deep water without fear. In fact, it's one of my greatest pleasures. Strange, huh?

Love, Annamill

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