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GUEST,celtaddict at work Mystic Sea Music Festival 2005 (29) RE: Mystic Sea Music Festival 2005 17 Jun 05

Radriano, you don't have to be a performer to feel you are missing music. My only "gripe" (ha!) with Mystic is there is so much going on, in so many places, that every single time slot has an assortment of things one simply must catch. It is of course a no-lose situation, since no matter where you are you will hear something wonderful and learn something interesting. It doesn't work to try to catch part of one and part of another, because the stages are separated enough the sounds do not overlap (unless Don Sineti is singing), so you miss a song relocating, and no matter how carefully I review and highlight where I want to be when, I invariably change it because I just run across someone or something irresistible anyway. All festivals should have such "problems." But sometimes it is hard to find a time to go check the plumbing, much less eat.

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