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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
Tracey Dragonsfriend Lyr Req: Oxymoronic songs (22) Lyr Add: AIN'T IT GREAT TO BE CRAZY? 21 Jun 05

This one, that Grandad used to sing, any good to you?


A horse and flea and three blind mice
Sat on the corner shooting dice
The horse, he slipped and fell on the flea
Whoops said the flea, there's a horse on me

Chorus:        Boom, boom, ain't it great to be crazy
        Boom, boom, ain't it great to be crazy
        Giddy and foolish the whole day long
        Boom, boom, ain't it great to be crazy

Early one morning in the middle of the night
Two dead boys went out to fight
Back to back, they faced each other
Drew their swords and shot each other

Bought a pair of combination underwear
Guaranteed not to rip or tear
Wore 'em six months without exaggeration
I wore 'em so long, I forgot the combination

Way down South where bananas grow
A flea stepped on an elephant's toe
The elephant cried with tears in his eyes
Why don't you pick on a fellow your size?

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