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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
GUEST,maryrrf BS: Clueless in Corporate America (33) BS: Clueless in Corporate America 29 Jun 05

I work for a large financial services company. I have to work for a really big company because my son has a chronic illness and I need the best insurance there is. I can't stand it but today really took the cake. They constantly prattle on about how they "value their associates" blah blah blah. Well, recently they made a decision to do some reorganization that involved letting go about 1/4 of the people on my floor. (I wasn't one of them although sometimes I wish they'd just put me out of my misery). At the same time, there is a large meeting going on where they are bringing in some of our outside sales people. In order for the outside sales people to "team build" with the folks in the home office who support them, they arranged for a catered lunch and turned the third floor into a miniature "putt putt" golf course with corny decorations, little miniature sand traps, ect. Okay so this morning the people who were going to lose their jobs were called to a meeting and informed that they would be let go in 90 days. Some of them have been with the company for 30 years. Many of them were outright sobbing and you could see that others were holding back tears. Then lunch is brought up and the big "golf party" begins with people laughing and running around the floor with miniature golf clubs - a real festive occasion but not for the people who've just been let go. The Senior VP actually went over to the people who were glumly sitting at their desk trying not to cry and cheerily asked why they weren't participating in the putt putt golf party.   They just stared at him.   

Sorry, but I just had to vent. I really wouldn't have believed it if I hadn't seen it myself. One person told me that she wanted to say "Well I'll participate - give me one of those golf clubs so I can crack it over your head, you stupid ass".

I'm just feeling very cynical right now.

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