kNOW hOW tO sPell cOMPUTER bUT tring to act the fOOOL ii sUppose. Remindes me of A dream I had the Other day/I had dream that I was suspended from a pair of susspenders..i yelled for help but the farmer who's suspenders I was suspended on told me to hush......cuz. no one was going to bring me okra and cornbread till i could recite the canadian national anthem...........That's when i knew I was fucked, but i sang a made up song and it went like this..........Oh c-eh-n-eh-d-eh Happy FORGET THAT i WAS HERE EH......DAMN i MAY HAVE TO SHUT DOWN ANYWAY i MIGHT BE rEADY TO bREAKAWAY FROM THIS COMPUTER THAT SEEMS TO BE AS FUCKED UP AS i AM..................