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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
GUEST,David Ingerson Stupid Question: What do I do with folk? (27) RE: Stupid Question: What do I do with folk? 08 Jul 05

Good for you for being brave enough to ask the question.

First off, enjoy yourself. Sing and play for the sheer pleasure and inspiration of it! In the shower, in the car, while you're washing dishes, even walking down the street.

As Roger suggested above, sing for your friends. Invite a bunch of friends to a singing party. No apologies--just throw back your heads and sing! Ask your firends to invite others. Then make it regular and put an ad in the paper and in the music stores: singing party first Saturday of every month. Network, publicize, and soon you'll have the nucleus (?) of a singing (possibly mostly folk singing) community.

From there, the sky's the limit! Lots of good suggestions above.


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