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GUEST,Songster Bob BS: Is Karl Rove a Big Fat Liar??? (431* d) RE: BS: Is Karl Rove a Big Fat Liar??? 12 Jul 05

One point about Rove's treason is that, by exposing that Wilson's wife was a CIA operative, her front organization was also exposed, endangering anyone who may have visited it (it was a company, I forget what kind of service -- oil or foreign investments or some such). So any visitor, legit or spying for us, would be supposed by his/her neighborhood baddies, to be a spy, and bingo, another kidnapping or back-alley mugging. When you deal with these mid-Eaast folks, you are in dangerous areas just because you deal with Americans, so if that American is outed as a CIA front, you are in deep doo-doo.

Another point, in a lighter vein. When Triumph, the Insult Dog, was introduced to Karl Rove, he said, "You're the one they call 'Bush's Brain?' I expected someone smaller!"


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