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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
GUEST,AMC ADD: Sound of the Thunder (Fureys) (13) Lyr Add: THE MUSIC OF HEALING (Tommy Sands) 16 Jul 05

Is it this one about the guns of thunder?

                        The Music of Healing
(Written by Tommy Sands - A song of hope for Ireland, written for the Peace Accord in Ireland in 1998)

I don't beat the drums for they frighten the children
Don't sing me songs about winning or losing
Sit down beside me, our green fields are bleeding
Sing me the music of healing
Sing me a song about a lover returning
The darker the night, the nearer the morning
Sing me a song about a new day that's dawning
Sing me the music of healing

Chorus:        Ah ah the heart's a wonder
                Stronger than the guns of thunder
                Even when we're torn asunder
                Love will come again

Sometimes peace is like a hare in the cornfield
You know that she's there
but you can't put your arms round it
All you can do, is follow the footprints
Sing me the music of healing

I never knew I could be so contented
To learn I was wrong after all of my roaming
I've learned to be hard
But I've learned how to tremble
Sing me the music of healing                        

Somehow the cycle of vengeance keeps turning
Till each other's sorrows and songs we start learning
Peace is the prize for all who are daring
Sing me the music of healing

If time is your friend
For it cures all your sorrows
But how can I wait for another tomorrow
One step today and a thousand will follow
Sing me the music of healing

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