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anon Christmas meaning/Thanks Big Mick (15) RE: Christmas meaning/Thanks Big Mick 21 Dec 99

In order to shed the hatred that is only harming self, not the person we hate, focus on the soul. Know that we are all equal, no one is better or more loved by our Father, Who gave of Himself to give us life. The part that is creating so much pain is the personality that was developed by the ego gone amuck. We are free to build a heaven or a hell, but we can be judged by no man, only self. God forgives us always. We must try to forgive too. Anger and hatred held in brings ulcers, cancer and heart problems. The result of allowing negative emotions to 'eat' away at us. Prayer will change things, anger will only make it worse. Milton said, 'Mind is it's own place, we can make it a heaven or a hell.', I know how true that quote is. I was from a home where I cannot even describe the abuse that was put on the 4 of us as children. I am not writing for pity, I just want U all to know that I am writing from personal experience. It has taken many years to turn my life around and forgive the experiences and create a more positive life. I must try to bring this to a close as it would take a book to say what I would like to share with Terry and anyone who has deep, negative emotions so I will end here saying you have my prayers and my love. Now, go find a bookstore and buy a tiny book by James Allen titled, "As A Man Thinketh", I promise U will have a change of heart after reading it. It only takes a few hours to read but it will effect the rest of your life in a very positive way. I am not signing a name as I think we are part of the Universal Mind where this is concerned. I will keep you and your dear ones in my thoughts and prayers. May there be peace of mind in the very near future. "Let thy will be one with God's."

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