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RichardP Minister say's jamming OK in UK (305* d) RE: Minister say's jamming OK in UK 29 Jul 05

The previous post was transmitted somehow half way through typing!!


You are correct that the guidance is not strictly an SI - since it has no SI number. It went through the exact procedure applicable to an SI subject to affirmative resolution and had a considerably longer debate in the Commons Standing Committee than most such SIs (but that was under two hours). The joint committee on statutory instruments also considered it and suggested two changes one of which was incorporated and the other was not prior to the two house committees considering it. The lords committee passed it without opposition. The Lib Dem and Conservative members voted against the draft in committee but were defeated by the Labour vote. The committee reports were both adopted without debate or dissent.

It's status is defined in section 4 of the Act as of equal weight as the Council's own licencing policy and slightly less than the licencing objectives of:

Prevention of Crime and Disorder,
Public Safety,
Prevention of Public Nuisance and
Protection of Children from Harm.

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