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The Mudcat Cafesj

User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
el_punkoid_nouveau BS: Mudcat Tavern is open and I .... (178* d) RE: BS: Mudcat Tavern is open and I .... 09 Aug 05

The punkoid staggered in, dripping rain and mud from the festival campsite. Wearily, he laid his mandolin case against the bar, and sighed heavily.

"Hey bartender - do you have any Laphroaig?"

"It's all gone!?! Ranger1 drank it ALL?"

The punkoid collapsed over the bar, exhausted by pusing one car too many in the knee-deep mud of the campsite.

"You got Fighting Cock? Make it a large one..."

A sip later, and he began to sing... sing... sing...

"Ohhhhhhhhhhhhh Ah'm a lumberjack and Ah'm okay
Ah sleep all night and Ah work all day..."

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