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Bardford BS: Translation help- South Wales dialect (8) BS: Translation help- South Wales dialect 21 Aug 05

I am trying to transcribe a taped interview my great grandmother did with CBC radio in the early sixties. She was well into her eighties at the time, and even thought she'd been in Canada since 1906, she never quite surrendered the accent she grew up with in Pontycymmer, near Bridgend, South Wales.

The portion of the tape (well, sound file) I am working on now has her recounting a conversation between two women, and goes like this:

One day, a friend of his mother came to see her, and she said "Does (thee?) (or perhaps Dost'th) know where Tommy works?"
She said "In coal company office."
"No (abaint?)" she said. "works in the mines. "
"No," She said.
"(Yubiyed?), he washes up in the mines and goes home in his clean clothes."

The problem words are in brackets, and the spellings are obviously an approximation. I'm hoping some one closer to the source might be able to enlighten me.

Any Glamorganites still up on that side of the pond?


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