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eleanor c Obit: Eric Roche Dies (6 Sept 2005) (17) RE: Obit: Eric Roche Dies (6 Sept 2005) 07 Sep 05

Such a tough piece of news to take... I'd been hanging on to the hope that he'd beat it off, he was such a positive thinker with everything to live for. When oh when will we sort out a cure for this set of diseases. I too feel heartbroken for his family - the only positive action I can take, is to spread his name far & wide, ( well even farther and wider) , alert anyone with a guitar to his website and CD's and DVD, (which is a real treat for them if they don't already know of Eric!) and get them to buy something. Everyone who hears his music is astonished and moved straight away. Will the planned benefit concerts in October go ahead? I hope so, as a memorial and as a support and tribute to the family.

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