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Bassic Changing Keys in Middle Song: Best way? (21) RE: Changing Keys in Middle Song: Best way? 09 Oct 05

A purely personal observation this......I make no comment as to the rights or wrongs of modulating in the way chico aspires to be able to do on his guitar.....but I found that kind of modulation "for effect", when it comes to the "big finish", was so desperately over done in much of the popular music of the last 50 or so years that it just sounds "cheesy" to my ear now though this wasnt always the case. It now sounds like a cheap trick rather than a creditable musical idea.

I much prefer it when the musician looks for a "different" chord to emphasise a particular part of the song or some other musical device such as Dons alternate harmony line rather than a wholesale, and to my ear, crude "up a step" key change for the last verse/chorus. However, fashions do change and as Chico quite rightly says, its a personal thing and your own ear has to tell you if it feels right.......its just that mine dont really like it any more....sorry ;-)

Interestinc discussion however, about something that has been running around in the back of my brain for a few years now.

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