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vindelis Origins: Ee Kalazee - the French song (1) Origins: Ee Kalazee - the French song 15 Oct 05

'Ee Kalazee' (The French Song) was a song, used as a shanty, in the quarries of Portland England, until about fifty years ago.
The only recording I have is one made by Peter Kennedy in 1954, (in the Portland quarries).
All specimen songs on the CD, have only the one verse and chorus. As all version of the songs I recognize, are longer, I suspect that the French song may be also.
As the title indicates, 100yrs of Portland dialect has not helped my search.
Ee Kalazee, kalazeenia
Luff Luff Luff
Tralalalala Luff Lu-uff Luff Luff Luff.
'Ee Kalazee'probably started life as 'Ils que la si'or something like that - Pardon my French.

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