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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
Bard Judith BS: Bobert's CD Cover Design Contest (79* d) RE: BS: Bobert's CD Cover Design Contest 09 Nov 05

So is this design contest still open?

Cluin's art is indeed gorgeous, so no denigration is intended, and if you've already picked him and are in hot-n-heavy negotiations, super - I'll just shimmy on back to the music threads.

But if you are still looking for a designer who can do the whole schmool - from the correct font choice, colouration, image, layout, lyrics, and CD image.... (bats lashes at Bobert and winks at Cluin in passing) please do consider another Canuck - moi.

I'll gladly email some examples of my cover designs if you care to provide a contact address, sir! And if you've got the art picked out but still could use a hand with the layout, I'm at your service as well.

Regards from the bard,

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