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The Mudcat Cafesj

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Jess A Cruxfest @C# 3 Dec Crucible + friends (1) Cruxfest @C# 3 Dec Crucible + friends 14 Nov 05

Saturday 3rd December 2005
Cecil Sharp House,
2 Regent's Park Road, Camden, London NW1 7AY, UK

A feast of new English traditional music, hosted by Crucible in celebration of the launch of their second album "Crux" on WildGoose

A day long mini festival featuring innovative English folk sounds from:
Vicki Swan and Jonny Dyer
Jim Causley
The Gloworms with caller Cat Kelly

10.00am-4:00pm Vaughan Williams Memorial Libray open
2.00-4.30pm (ish) (mostly) English music session, all musicians welcome, plus special guests. Play sing or just listen! - free entry
5.00-7.15pm Concert with Crucible, Vicki Swan and Jonny Dyer, Jim Causley £6/£4(concessions)
8.00-11.30pm the 4th annual Gloworms CeilidhThe Gloworms and caller Cat Kelly £6/£4(concessions)

all event ticket £10/£6 concessions

for further information or ticket reservations:
telephone: 01142316779

Check location for travel and parking details.
Nearest bus routes - nos. 274 and C2
Nearest underground - Camden Town (Northern Line)

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