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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
GUEST,*daylia* Could stars be sentient beings?!? (251* d) RE: Could stars be sentient beings?!? 18 Nov 05

And on top of that some instability in this star, this controlled, self-sustaining nuclear explosion could wipe out me and/or everything that comes after me. I'm not sure if stars are sentient or not but, I repeat, they sure are scary!

Here you go DB - take two readings, breathe deep and call me in the evening.   :-)

White Dwarf

Welcome, welcome little star!
I'm delighted that you are
Up in heaven's vast extent
No bigger than a continent.

Relatively minuscule
Spinning like a penny spoon
Glinting like a polished spoon
A kind of kindled demi-moon,

You offer cheer to tiny Man
'Mid galaxies Gargantuan --
A little pill in endless night
An antidote to cosmic fright.

- John Updike

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