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GUEST,*daylia* BS: Things we should not admit out loud (63* d) RE: BS: Things we should not admit out loud 22 Nov 05

As a C21 progressive peace-loving and oh-so-very-multi-cultural Canadian, I suppose I should not admit out loud that I avoid the Toronto area as much as possible these days.

THe colour of my skin now renders me a most visible (and uncomfortable) minority there, and the only language I'm fluent in is English. These 'handicaps' make even the most basic of everyday social/business transactions - like asking directions, buying a ticket or ordering a takeout coffee - a frustrating and lengthy ordeal. THe constant struggle to decipher the incomprehensible 'English' (???) of the person who's "serving" (???) me, and/or having to repeat myself, very slowly, over and over, rephrasing each simple question or request in simpler and simpler language so that maybe, just maybe, this time I'll be understood ... well, it's just not worth the time, energy and aggravation any more.

I've lived an hour's drive from Toronto all my life.   I used to love visiting and exploring and studying and shopping in the big city. Excursions to TO were always among the most memorable, enjoyable days of the year.

It used to feel like home there. It doesn't anymore.

I must admit that this saddens me, although I probably shouldn't do it out loud.

THanks for the place to admit the unadmissable, Donuel.

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