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MTed There's gotta be a song here! (Challenge: lentils) (39) RE: There's gotta be a song here! 11 Jan 00

Bert--Sorry, I looked at the whole water/bath thing, and don't believe a word of it, in Golden Colorado, they use up any extra water by just putting something yellow in it, and then selling it as Coors Beer--However, I did just get back from the Armenian Market, where I bought two kinds of lentils, and that idea worked for me--

I'm hearing the following lyrics, sung by Mitch Miller and the Gang to something that sounds a lot like "I'm a Rambling Wreck from Georgia Tech--

Fifty pounds of lentils, and I was feelin' fine
Made a pot of lentil soup and there were forty-nine

Forty-nine pounds of lentils, and I was feelin' great
Made a pot of lentil soup and there were forty-eight

Forty-eight pounds of lentils, and I was still in heaven
Made a pot of lentil soup and there were forty-seven

Forty-seven pounds of lentils, and I was in the sticks
Made a pot of lentil soup and there were forty-six

Forty-six pounds of lentils, and how will I survive?
Made a pot of lentil soup and there were forty-five

Forty-five pounds of lentils and I was feeling poor,
Made a pot of lentil soup and there were forty-four

Forty-four pounds of lentils, and now I cannot see
Made a pot of lentil soup and there were forty-three

Forty-three pounds of lentils, I don't know what to do
Made a pot of lentil soup and there are forty-two

Forty-two pounds of lentils, and I'm not having fun
Made a pot of lentil soup and there are forty-one

I don't have time to finish (got to make lentil soup!) but all the rights to these words are reserved by me--and any use of them at all is strictly encouraged--

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