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ET Minister say's jamming OK in UK (305* d) RE: Minister say's jamming OK in UK 27 Nov 05

This was reported in the local paper. I plan to write (again) to the Ministry of Fun (DCMS) on these linces but would appreciate your views?

Licensing Act 2003 Schedule 1


Not yet getting much publicity but potentially a source of embarrassment for the Government is the requirement for a licence for all, including acoustic, music, played when the public are present.


A Northern town council traditionally has a Carole Service in the main square lead by the mayor.   This year the District Council demanded a temporary event notice and £21.   A row and publicity followed. The district council withdrew realising the disastrous effect of trying to prosecute for holding an unlicensed Carol concert. Maximum penalty is £20,000 and or 6 months imprisonment!!!!!


Simply listen to the 120,000 musicians who signed an electronic petition. If you cant bring yourself to remove "live music" from the Schedule, use a Ministerial Order to add the word "amplified" to "live music".


Would be to free up all classical and traditional music from this bureaucracy and avoid fiascos above. All traditional musicians would be grateful and most are traditional labour voters!

PUBLIC CONSQEUENCES   would be NIL.   There has never been a complaint about acoustic music.   In the debate in Hansard Kim Howells spoke of the volume of music made by Japanese drummers. Until he mentioned them little was known about this. They are not a problem in the UK

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