Bill, thanks so much for going to the trouble of looking up that study. Haven't digested all the info yet, but it's interesting to note that even though the 'ingredients' or 'substance' of life (ie the 'primordial soup') have been replicated in the lab, no one has ever been able to artificially create even the simplest of one-celled living organism (like an amoeba) from those ingredients. As you say, there are other non-physical ingredients involved ie time, probability. And I daresay this is an advantage for the whole human race, considering the lamentably destructive uses / purposes scientific knowledge and expertise have, and still are, being put to! We do sort of understand how life could have happened in such circumstances, and we know other aspects of the equations that might also have influenced it all.......and that's why some of us, as Art asked, don't 'require' a Divine creation or ANY "intelligent design"...we are content to just see what we can unravel of the process. Absolutely. Y'know, Bill, I find myself agreeing with you so much these days it's kinda nervewracking ;-) ANd thank you too, Art, for the reminder to check out the Astronomy Picture of the Day .... so awesome .... looks like a giant celestial amoeba! Testing .... “Beliefâ€쳌