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The Mudcat Cafesj

User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
Dan Evergreen The future of Mudcat. What do YOU think? (81* d) RE: The future of Mudcat. What do YOU think? 12 Jan 00

I think perhaps the people who come on here just for the musical information and discussions need to get more vocal. If you hear a new song or album you like, share the information. Voluntarily post up your favorite song with all the chords and words. Don't wait until you need something to do a thread. For example, I heard so much about "The Band Played Waltzing Matilda" that I clicked on the green clickey thing and ordered "A Soldier's Song." It is a stunning collection of songs which includes, in addition the "The Band Played Waltzing Matilda": "The Green Fields of France," "Christmas in the Trenches," and "We Danced to an Old Fashioned Tune." Wonderful material.

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